Italy are always considered to be slow starters at every World Cup, and they proved it yet again with a draw against lowly New Zealand, who are a team full of part-timers and bankers!
If you think that the England manager Fabio Capello is getting some stick, you should see what the Italians are saying about Marcell Lipi!
The New Zealand team felt like they had won the World Cup with this draw and celebrated extensively after the game.
Coach Ricki Herbert said after the game: “I think it’s stopped the nation.”
‘It’s the most incredible result we’ve had right across the board. It’s way above anything we’ve ever achieved in the history of the game. I think it’ll be embraced immensely. ‘We’re always daring to dream, we’re at a World Cup and anything is possible. I don’t think anyone would remotely have given us a chance. We’re doing OK for a team that’s got some amateurs and is supposedly not good enough for the World Cup.’
Todays interesting fact: The NZ goalscorer Smeltz used to play for Halifax!
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